Thursday, July 7, 2011

PR Takes Back Social Media

When I talk to my fellow PR and Corporate Affairs buddies, and mention that I help companies create and promote social media events, their eyes glaze over.

It's almost as if they wish they could close their eyes and Social Media would go away.  Frankly, other than a few of us old dogs who were willing to learn new tricks, most of my colleagues who worked with me on Capitol Hill or in my "after life" in PR, lobbying or advertising, just keep sending out the same old press releases, pitching stores as usual.   

Fellow pro communicators, WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE!  Embrace the new era, the new technology.  I credit much of my social media savvy to all the free webinars I've attended which were given by #HubSpot, an amazingly well-organized provider of software which not only helps you keep track of prospects and customers through email, but it enables YOU to get social media retainers, and to deliver and track results using great analytical tools which HubSpot trains you to operate!     

They have a vendor program which not only trains agencies on how to use social media, it trains agency employees to be social media experts, helps them set up their social media practice, AND gives agencies a financial incentive to recommend HubSpot to clients. 

If you accept the need to embrace social media, I reccommend that you join all the PR and public affairs groups on LinkedIn, to sign up for every free webinar that Hub Spot offers, especially the one #Maggie Georgieva is promoting for HubSpot and #Marketwire, called "Free 6-part webinar series: How to Supercharge your PR Program with Social Media." It starts July 28 and runs through December 1, 2011.  Start tracking #Dan Zarella, (, one of the brightest bulbs in the social media box.   Feel free to follow me on Twitter (  I only pass on interesting links regarding branding, PR, franchise marketing, education and public affairs

Check out #Todd Defren of #Shift Communications, who runs the "Social Media Jedi Academy," who writes the popular PR blog, #PR-Squared and who posted a free Social Media Press Release download. 

And, if you do PR or advertising for restaurant chains, Google #California Tortilla and #Stacey Kane.  I believe they now have 25,000 "likes" on Facebook, and give free food away.  I used to live near one of their original stores, and they rock.  Nice folks, great food, relaxed atmosphere, really "with it."  Go on You Tube.  Stacey and #Guy Kawasaki were on some panel about social media, and it's interesting.

But if you are still reticent to jump on the Social Media bandwagon, then just start thinking of EVENTS for your clients, rather than copy.  Start thinking of ways to get people to get so excited about your client that THEY call  the client.  THAT is what this is all about. Getting customers to come IN, call IN, log IN, for INBOUND marketing. 

We should strive to educate and delight our readers, our listeners, and our neighbors to the point that they are so pleased with our clients, that they are moved, touched, and inspired enough to simply pick up the phone, go on line and email them, or even get out of their chairs, into their cars and drive IN to the company or go to an event.  And, yes, (sigh) to say nice things about our clients to their friends! 

Just like being the person at a cocktail party who passes the hor'd and tells guests "Oh, try THAT one, it's DELICIOUS!" and everyone tried THAT one, social media allows your company, cause or concern to speak freely, and on level with the public.

My first paid job as a big person was writing press releases for my college, and throughout my career, I've written radio shows, speeches, Op Ed pieces, articles, blogs, arranged press conferences and ended up being a lobbyist.  I do pro bono work teaching non-profits on how to get free publicity. All of my career has been as a professional communicator.

Much of my career was spent designing and delivering ad campaigns for national retailers, grocers and restaurant chains. I personally am responsible for printing and delivering around 100 million pieces of mail into the USPS.  (I'm sorry, environment!)  I still absolutely believe in printed advertising that is specific, like printing grand opening flyers, menus, customer relationship programs and membership, opt-in materials, or printing work perks for employees who work near companies.

If I had to choose between holding onto printed pieces, or embracing social media, and its application with PR and corporate communications, I would make a paper airplane with my last circular, printed press release or press kit, and would RUN, not walk, to the next meeting of the Social Media Club. 

The era of print is ending.  In the end, our bathroom reading will consist of only FREE local papers with our neighbors and children's sports photos in them (like the well run #Elauwit Sun newspapers in NJ), or career-specific or special interest newsletters and magazines, and abut that's IT.   Laura

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